Indurit, a food industry flooring range
Indurit is a range of flooring for the food and beverage industry, designed from the best cements. Each one of these have been chosen to perfectly match the desired coating type. Thanks to the inclusion of particular additives, Indurit products constitute the best solution to protect all types of surfaces.
A range of products with many qualities
Indurit is a range conceived for floor needing a protection that’s long lasting, resistant and easy to execute. Indurit offers a lot of products in the form of mortars with many qualities that give them versatility and optimal efficiency.
First, Indurit mortars are self-levelling, self-smoothing and self-placing. They combine an ease of preparation and application with an unmatched resistance, to protect floors exposed to lot of stress.
Besides, the agri-food Indurit floor fits for damaged surface reparation as for the levelling of those. The application of these mortars does not necessitate joints, making their use even more accessible.
Lastly, Indurit products are fast-hardening, which facilitates greatly the return to service of the industrial facility, workshop or storage area on which it has been applied.

Agro-food coatings
Apply an agro-food coating guarantees the obtention of a protection both efficacious and conform to hygiene and safety standards in this matter, where regulation is strict.
Our mortars have indeed been conceived to resist to all kind of aggressions and degradations. Imperishable, it impedes stain growth. Water-proof and non-absorbing, it prevents water infiltration and, thus, ground deterioration. Anti-slip, they avoid work accident to people in movement on a surface that, by nature, is brought to suffer slippery substances spillage.
Extremely simple to applicate, the mortar Indurit does not necessitate specific coves, these being realized with the same material, i.e. a mix of hydraulic bonding agent, mineral aggregates and pigments, and emulsion copolymers.
The Indurit product range is complementary of Agrochap and Degadur, that present other advantages but have the same objective: to protect floors strongly exposed to daily abrasion, loads or traffic.
For a professional use
We are happy to present our range of mortars for internal use, offering a waxed or smooth concrete aspect to floors in your home or your store.
Thanks to thin or medium-thick Indurit, you could obtain an esthetic effect all together with an effective protection of your floor.
Rinolcrete, Rinol Safety, Rinol Cryl… The choice of levelling mortar, sprayed concrete and synthetic coating is large, we offer best quality for these products to make your home or your professional facilities places where it is pleasing to work, walk and live.
Also decorative products : Indurit Flow and Indurit Topping.